Morse News: High School English Short Story Projects
High School English Short Story Projects
By: Kevin Marquez
For this article we interviewed one person from each grade for the projects they did in English class with Mrs. Mary Beth Hicks. For the freshman class we interviewed Brianna Tindell. The first question was, "What was your project about?" She responded with "Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan
Poe." The next question we asked was, "Why did you choose the story for your project?" She replied with, "Because it was the story that had more spooky vibes." Then we asked, "Did you enjoy doing the project?" She had said yes because it was fun and easy. Brianna was also asked, "What did you learn from completing the project?" She said she needed to be more creative. Then we asked, "What do you want your future projects to be about?" She answered with, "More about novels and historical fiction." The last question asked was, "What did you enjoy most about this project over the short stories?" She said, "Working on something that isn't strict and you could be creative."
For the sophomore class project we interviewed Natalia Marquez. The first question we
asked was, "What was your project about?" She said her story was about The Necklace Short
Story. The next question we asked was, "Why did you choose the story for your project?" She
responded with "Because she liked it the most." Then we asked if she enjoyed doing the project
and she said "kinda, because she isn't that good at doing stories." After we asked, "What did you
learn from finishing the project?" She responded with, "I need to give more details and explain
more." Afterwards we asked, "What do you want your future projects to be about?" She
responded with "A scary story." Then we asked, "What did you enjoy most about this project
over the short stories?" And she said, "you can learn from the theme of the story."
From the Junior class we interviewed Stephanie G. The first question we asked was,
"What was your project about?" She answered with, "The Story of an Hour." Then we asked,
"Why did you choose the story for your project?" She replied with, "Because nobody had chosen
it and she wanted to be different." The next question we asked was, "Did you enjoy the project?"
Then she said yes, because she likes drawing and coloring. After that, we asked what she learned
from the project and she said she learned that in the old days ladies weren't free. Then we asked,
"What do you want your future projects to be about?" and she said "Anything that deals with
posters." After we asked "What did you enjoy most about this project over the short stories?"
She replied, "We could do it in our own unique style."
From the Senior class we interviewed Thomas E. The first question we asked was, "What was
your project about?" He replied with, "A short story about an old landlady." Then we asked
"Why did you choose the story for your project?" Then he replied, "Seemed the easiest yet it
wasn't." The next question was, "Did you enjoy doing the project?" He replied, Yes, because he
likes drawing and coloring. Then we asked if he enjoyed doing the project and he said overall
yes. Then we asked, "What did you learn from completing the project?" and he said he learned
time management. Next we asked "What do you want your future projects to be about?" and he
replied with Frankenstein, because it's the next book we are reading.Then the last question we
asked him was "What did you enjoy most about this project over the short stories?" He said "I
had enough time and got to choose what I did to do the project and I drew it."
The projects turned out great, and they have created a nice decoration to the hallway!
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